Welcome to Artpoem

Artpoem publishes and distributes original works by Richard Tipping.

Small versions of some artpoems are sold through art gallery shops internationally. These are open-edition multiples in traditions of publishing established by artists associated with Fluxus. See the Sales page for our outlets.

New! Some hard-to-get works are available online here. See the Artpoems page.

What is an artpoem?
An artpoem is a hybrid, made between word and image, between text and context, between verbal graphics and signs, a mix of poetry and art.

Richard Kelly Tipping is an Australian poet and artist who bridges text and image to make artpoems and other wordworks: from large roadsigns and printed concrete poems, to photographs, neon sculptures and public language installations.

His works have been exhibited in galleries and events in Australia, Europe and the USA in recent years, and acquired by major collections.

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